Persuasive Essay On Refugees In America

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Refugees escaped war and are looking for a new life, but there new life doesn't have to be in America. They hurt U.S country severely. 88 percent of murders by terrorists in the last 50 years were by immigrants and refugees, according to the CATO Institute. The U.S has a choice, to hurt the country and let in immigrants and refugees, or make it secure. “We cannot continue to allow immigrants to come here illegally. And in this age of terrorism, we must not let in refugees whose intentions cannot be determined”. - (Haley). U.S will be prudent if they make immigrants have the right papers and become legal citizens. Allowing in refugees has no benefit. They consume the resources that are already at a short supply. These resources are valuable and should be used on citizens only. taking the jobs of thousands of Americans. 8 million illegals are in the work force and there aren’t enough jobs for everyone (Pew Research). American citizens should have priority over the illegal citizens for jobs. 250 thousand American citizens are out of work, however this number could be lower by a drastic amount. “Refugees take jobs from native workers and reduce wages.” -(Cassidy). Refugees are not helping our country, they are hurting it. …show more content…

The constitution is outdated and in 1787 when it was written hundreds of thousands refugees were not coming into the country and they would have not been prepared. And The U.S is not to blame for the conditions they are in, nevertheless, they come and hurt our country. It is justified in rejecting them irrespective of the benefits or harms involved. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” -(Trump). When immigrants come into the country they bring with them crime, drugs, and makes the life of everyone

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