Immigration Act Of 1924 Essay

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In response to the World War I for the following years from the flow of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe. Congress of United States passed a law to limit immigrations, which named Immigration Act of 1924 or the Johnson-Reed Act. The Immigration Act of 1924 was an Act use to limit the big number of immigration entry to the United States. The Immigration Act of 1924 only provided two percent immigration visas from 1980s national census. Asians were not allowed to immigrate to the United States. It was unjustified for congress of the United States to pass the Immigration Act of 1924 to limit the immigration in 1920s. During 1917, congress of United States passed a law that every immigrants whoever want to entry into United States Also people should be accepting to the immigrants because the United States was a place that thirteen colonies overthrew the British government and created United States. All Americans are immigrants because no American is native to United States. People all came here from other places. People should not have discrimination to any immigrants. The reason why Franklin D. Roosevelt said revolutionist was because all United States citizens were protest with British and won this place. United States should not try to prevent more immigrants from other countries entry into United States. Franklin D. Roosevelt was extremely encouraged the immigrants entry into United What did it mean to immigrants were more than Americans? Chuck Palahniuk wanted to show Americans that immigrants were not a bad thing to United States. Immigration is just the action of leaving their own countries and come to live in the new countries. The purpose of immigration were found a new better homeland to survive. There was nothing wrong with wanting to remove to another country for got a better life. The different immigrations always had different cultures and educations. When all of the cultures and education mixed together, it became United States. After the World War I, United States tried to become less involved in international affairs. During the 1920s, United States refused to join the League of Nations. United States was become an Isolation country. United States close the doors to limited immigration from Asia at first, finally, United Sates also limited the immigration from Europeans, particularly eastern and southern

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