Persuasive Essay Immigration

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Illegal immigrants are makers, not takers. Many American citizens see these approximate 11 million illegal immigrants in a negative view and don’t want them living in their communities. However, many of these American citizens don’t know why illegal immigrants come here and what good they actually do to this country. Illegal immigration should be allowed because their quality of life is improved, they help the economy, and they bring job growth. In their home country, illegal immigrants have a very poor quality of life and come to the United States to improve their livelihood. Thousands of Latin Americans try to enter the U.S. illegally for a shot at wealth and opportunity. Regardless of being in a low-paying job, they 'll be making much more …show more content…

dollars for his help. Many of us, mostly all young men, were driven in a van out into the desert. We carried a couple bottles of water and a few other things in our bags. We started walking. We walked and walked, following a man who said he knew where we were going. We walked all day and into the night. I finished my water, and I was very thirsty and weak. The man told us that we were crossing into America now, and we would be safe soon. Just when we started to believe we would make it, we heard the noise of a helicopter. Soon, we were flooded with light from above. The helicopter landed, and we were surrounded by men in uniforms, all speaking English very quickly. They gave us some water, and after an hour or two, they loaded us onto a bus that had come to take us away. It was horrible. They took us right back to Mexico and dropped us across the border. I don 't give up easily, though. After a few days of rest, I tried again. This time I made it and here I am! (qtd. in Limón) The travel that illegal immigrants have to come to the United States is as hard as their life back home, but as soon as they settle down, their quality of life will start to improve. Not only do immigrants come here for a better life, but they also happen to improve the economy in U.S. upon crossing …show more content…

Although the stereotypical complaint against illegal immigrants is that they take jobs away from people already living here, research suggests that immigration isn 't to blame for illegals taking legal citizen’s jobs away. Eddy Jerena, carpenter of Sicilian roots, says, “‘My brother, he has a business, and the Mexicans work hard for him, 12 hours a day, and they don’t complain. You get these American-born guys, they don’t work like that. This country was built by immigrants. The Mexicans deserve to be here’” (qtd. in Roberts and Glastris). As well as taking jobs, illegal immigrants also create jobs through the creation of Mexican restaurants or small clothing factories, or jobs abandoned when people left city areas and moved to suburbs. A U.S. Department of Labor study states that illegal immigrants taking jobs away from American workers is " 'the most persistent fallacy about immigration in popular thought '" (qtd. in Limón) because it is based on the mistaken assumption that there is only a fixed number of jobs. Many Americans don 't even want the jobs illegal immigrants want. Illegal immigrants benefit many U.S. employers who desperately need unskilled workers. Rev. Richard Ryscavage, Jesuit priest, says, “‘A heightened anti-immigration sentiment that is so discernible and identifiable that you can almost smell it. Most people calling for curtailed immigration would die if they didn’t

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