Persuasive Essay On Redskins

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Duaneah Wheeler
College Writing I
Persuasive Essay
September 8, 2017
Is the Washington Redskins Team Name Offensive?

When one thinks of NFL football words like racist, offensive, and derogatory don’t usually come to mind. But in regards to the Washington Redskins team name those words are often used to describe it. When you Google the word “redskins” “American Indian” is the first word that displays. That is confirmation that this word is directly related to Native American people. So, allowing the continuation of this offensive team name means society has deemed it acceptable to directly correlate a mascot with a group of people still present and alive today. Unfortunately, the word “redskin” reminds Native American people of a terrifying …show more content…

European colonists offered compensation for the scalps of Native American men, women, and children: “50 pounds for adult male scalps; 25 for adult female scalps; and 20 for scalps of boys and girls under age 12” (Holmes, par.3). The “redskins” mascot glorifies this horrific time period in Native American history. Philip Martin states “[p]aying money for scalps of women and even children reflected the true intent of the campaign-to reduce native populations to extinction…so the native could not oppose European seizure of Indian lands” (par. 7). Hereafter, the genocide of Native American people is the direct result of the colonist operation of buying “redskins.” Therefore the name “redskin” is a constant reminder of the scalping of Native American ancestors. Fortunately Native American people survived the genocide but the societal approval of this mascot negatively acknowledges the historical trauma Native American people deal with …show more content…

It not only incorporates racism but also reminds a minority group about their history with genocide. Not changing the team name showcases the notion that Native American people are not relevant enough to respect. Why is an NFL football team name more important than the general wellbeing of an entire group of people in our society? The continuation of the team name “Redskins” sends a clear message to Native American communities. By allowing the existence of this team name our society is reiterating that minorities are not that important. They are not important enough to help find resolutions for the historical trauma they experienced and continue to experience but they are important enough to “honor” at football games. But in this case, honoring consists of making fun of historical traumas, appropriating culture, and chanting racist slogans. Thus, the Washington Redskins team name is

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