Persuasive Essay On Gardening

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Gardening can be one of the most enjoyable, relaxing and rewarding things you can do. It is one of those projects that you are only limited by a very few thing. Your limitations can be space, time and resource, but never your imagination. Regardless of those few restriction, you can still create the idea garden that you and others can enjoy. Whether you plan gardening from plant pots or from a raised bed, your greatest challenge can be getting started.

Before you begin designing or breaking ground for your garden, creating a list of ideas of what you want to plant and size your gardening will be. Another thing to consider is the type of ground or land that you will plant on. Some concerns can be is the ground leveled? Are there rocks, stumps …show more content…

If this is the case, then you might want to look into using containers such as pots or portable planters. There is also the choice of using vertical space. If you have that option, you can hang your gardening from a ceiling or place them on shelves. Another option can be trellises, if you are dealing with small plants.

On the other hand, growing a garden in a large space will poise its own challenges too. If planting in a large space, water consideration is important. How much water will you use and when to water your garden? If you plan to plant a variety of vegetables in your garden, it may be wise to seek out assistance if you are not sure about companion planting. In doing so, you will have knowledge to what plants or vegetable grow well together.

With gardening in a small or large area, your greatest commodity you have is time. By planning the amount of time to begin your gardening and completing your project, will ultimately be based upon your availability. By having a smaller garden, you have the luxury of finishing sooner than a larger one and enjoying what you have grown sooner. A larger garden can offer the same enjoyment, but at a potentially much longer time. Lastly, regardless of size gardening requires time to for maintenance and …show more content…

It is essential to not ignore this step. In doing so, it will help you from making costly and irreversible mistakes along the way. Even though gardening can be a very simple and enjoyable thing to do, but not planning it out can be a serious challenge of sorts.

One of the easiest ways to draw out a plot is the use of graph paper if you have it. If not, the school in your neighborhood or office supply stores will have some. The reason for graph paper is grid lines are already on it and will make drawing straight lines very easy. You can also draw out a garden to scale too.

One thing that most gardeners will do is, use the scale on graph paper as 1 foot of the garden. You may want to take a measurement of the ground you tend to use for a garden, and then make those measurements on your graph paper. If it does not turn out to be exactly, no worries, it's only a draft.

Remember when plotting for your garden; ensure you put in consideration what types of vegetable or plant containers you will use. If you plan to on a raised bed, than it will be much easier to work with, a raised bed is not planting directly into the soil on the ground. But rather, creating raised pottery platform as small as 4 feet by 4

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