The Garden Archetype In Literature

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An archetype is an image, ideal or pattern that is considered to be a universal symbol. They are found in literature, art and mythology and usually hold philosophical meanings. The archetype that will be discussed is this paragraph is the garden archetype, easily the most identifiable archetype. The garden is characterized as a place of solitude where peace and harmony coincide. In essence, it is paradise, a place where people long to go but are forbidden. The four common characteristics of the garden archetype is the garden is a perfect world, that there is temptation and the short term and long term consequences that will be inflicted on future generations. The garden archetype is clearly portrayed in the Irish legend Deirdre and the Sons of Usna. The legend chronicles the life of a young girl named Deirdre who was cast away from her kingdom at a young age, and sent to live with the King`s nurse as it was said that she would bring misfortune upon the kingdom. She is sent to live with the nurse in a small house made of natural materials and that had a roof of green sods in a hidden glen, which is similar to a garden or paradise. She and the nurse lived in …show more content…

In the legend, Deirdre runs of with Naisi, one of the King`s warriors. She did not want to marry the king, who was old enough to be her father. Deidre, the nurse and Naisi and his brothers escape to a far off land where they spent the years working and establishing their new lives. This brought anger from the king unbeknownst to them. In the lines of the legend it says, `` And in all those years, three, maybe or four, Conor Mac Nessa made no sign, but sat in his palace at Emain Macha, and did not forget. And from time to time some ragged herdsman …would pass through Glen Etive and …afterward return to Conor the King and tell him all that there was to tell of Deirdre and the Sons of Usna - and they thinking themselves safe hidden all the

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