Persuasive Essay On College Dropout

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At the beginning of the school year at a college campus the parking lots are filled with cars. Barely anywhere to park because there are so many students enrolled. But, as the student year continues more and more parking become available. Do you know why? What is the cause of this happening more and more on College and Universities campus around the Country? The answer is because of college dropouts. Did you know within the first year of college a large percent of freshmen does not return after the Christmas break in December? That number doubles after the spring semester end and triples after summer break. About ¼ of incoming first year freshmen return to college for their second year. So that means only 2 out of 5 every freshmen return …show more content…

Most high school student think they are ready for college until they start. In high school you have teachers who make you do your homework and parents who make you study. In college comes freedom. Most first year college students are receiving this freedom for the first time and they are not able to handle it. They are used to teachers reminding them about upcoming assignments that are due and exams that are needed to be studies for. In college you are responsible to get your work done on you’re on. You’re professor will tell you at the beginning of the semester about assignment but will not keep reminding you of them. That is your job and responsible and most incoming freshmen are not prepared for that accountability. Also most freshmen have rules at home that they have to follow such as what time they have to be home on school nights and that they have to do their homework before going out . But in college you do not have your parents there to make such you do what you need to do. Because of the lack of preparation for college most freshmen fail they classes and dropout of college. They feel as if it is too hard for them but it is only because they are unprepared. But for the few freshmen that make it to the next chapter in their college career, they are face with other challenges that cause them to dropout, such as family

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