Persuasive Essay On Asylum Seekers

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It is a common misconception that asylum seekers pose a threat to the welfare of Australia, however, these beings just wish to seek a life that includes their right to life and freedom. Many of the countries from which these individuals originate inflict a constant fear, completely unbearable. Hence, they seek refuge in a location renowned for it’s just and fair environment, however, the detention centres these asylum seekers are placed in while awaiting resettlement rights, exhibit completely unethical practises, only then to be resettled and become subject to stereotypical prejudice. There are multiple laws and sanctions in place to protect the rights of these refugees, however, authority is often exploited and these ‘unlawful non-citizens’ are not regarded as human in the slightest.

Mistakenly, refugees and …show more content…

Rather, an asylum seeker is an individual seeking international protection but whose claim for refugee status has not yet been approved. Juxtaposed, a refugee is an individual who has applied to be recognised under the ‘1951 Convention relating to the status of refugees’ and has been granted access to Australia. According to the Convention, an individual may be granted refugee status if they are: “… owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion,” within their country of origin. The term ‘illegal immigrants’ refers to the asylum seekers who have entered Australia without meeting the legal requirements of this process. Asylum seekers are classified by Australian law to be ‘unlawful non-citizens’, however, this does not mean any laws have been broken, as everyone has the right

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