Persuasive Essay About Praise Of Parents

1958 Words4 Pages

Gabby Delarosa
Sarah Knowlton
English 11
6 May 2014
The Truth about Praise
Over the last few decades the way parents have been parenting their children has become much more centered on praise and positive reinforcement. Not just here in America, parents in many parts of the world have enthusiastically followed the positive parenting path of constantly showering children with praise. For many families the praise is almost compulsory, there praise is often empty carrying no real meaning. Parents everywhere praise their kids when they do well in school, win a ball game, or build an impressive sandcastle, anything that seems to be something remarkable -- and, in many cases, anything that's just plain common. Jenn Berman, PhD, a marriage and family therapist and author of “The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy and Confident Kids” says, "We are becoming praise junkies as parents. We've gone to the opposite extreme of a few decades ago when parents tended to be stricter. And now we over praise our children." This issue was generally overlooked until the book “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” came out and caused widespread shock and outrage. This really kicked in to gear the discussion about what style of parenting is most effective. “If a child is told that everything they do is fantastic, then they will never really know when they have done something that really is fantastic. Sometimes mediocrity needs to be recognized for what it is - mediocre - rather than boosted to another level. Alternatively, the more we praise some kids, the more they expect it. And they soon become addicted to praise. If they don't get a regular praise fix, they wonder what's wrong” (Michael Grose). In this paper I will discuss how praise can negatively affect chil...

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...e much direction and praise. They will seek affirmation from others and not be able to strongly believe and support themselves. Although there is no absolute correct way to parent, one thing has been shown too much praise is not the way to go. Rather than focus on the outcome of your child’s actions you must first look at the process. Throughout my research the golden word has been encouragement. An encouraging parent gives children feedback about their performance, but they ensure that feedback is realistic and they work from positives rather than negatives. An encouraging parent will note a child's efforts in toilet training and recognize that mistakes are part of the learning process, so they are not too fussed about the results. The basic way to sum up the ideas of what the ideas have said is that praise is about control and encouragement is about influence.

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