Personal Statement

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« The main goal of business is to develop new and innovative goods and services that generate economic growth while delivering benefits to society »
I must admit that, 2 years earlier, this statement of Dr. David Ahstrom, business school professor (in his book "Innovation and Growth: How Business Contributes to Society"), would not have shaken me much; neither would I have felt concerned by the fervent call for change beneath the remark. As a marketing student, I used to share Milton Friedman’s opinion about a company’s purpose. That is, if a company pursues other missions than generating the maximum profit possible, it will fail to satisfy all its stakeholders, and eventually fail to contribute to society’s enhancement.
During a “political economy” class in 2010, Mr. Kuate gave an assignment, in which we were asked to determine the optimum staff of a company in a particularly difficult economic situation. On the basis of the quantitative data we were given, my classmates and I embarked on what we did best; performing sophisticated calculations, involving empirical formulas and demonstrating through graphs. Despite our strong confidence in our results, the lecturer refuted every answer we provided. He observed that we did not think of fully considering a significant variable: The Human Being, in all its complexity of needs, aspirations and feelings. Mr Kuate eventually stated that economics had no reason to be, if not to serve Man’s wellbeing, its evolution and daily hopes. Before that event, most of us didn’t realize how every addition, subtraction or division that we performed, while building our strategies were important decisions we were making on actual people’s lives. To me, it was a wake-up call.
Indeed, considering the...

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...n learning high level programming languages for 2 years now. On a short-term perspective, after this master’s degree at the Bocconi University, I intend to work for a software company (ideally as a product manager), in order to acquire some experience on the field. Also, a Ph.D in Economics is a considered project, as I’ve always been attracted by research and by the prospect of contributing to the reflection upon innovation and economics.
Finally, I’d like to express my strong determination to derive the most from this program, by putting my dynamism, my and my in contribution,to develop strong analytical and practical skills. I believe that, rigorous, hard working and open-minded as I am, strengthened by the cutting-edge teaching from the Bocconi University, I will become an inspiring manager, devoted to promote innovative ideas and generate benefits to society.

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