Personal Narrative: Why I Am The Right Choice For The Mary Doctor Performing Arts Scholarship

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Why I Am the Right Choice for the Mary Doctor Performing Arts Scholarship fund It was my first time dancing in front of a big crowd, I was nervous and felt stupid for letting my sister talk me into going on the stage in the first place. I knew I was in over my head dancing against these men who probably had practiced a thousand times but it was too late to turn around. The DJ had already started the music. Instead of just standing there I started to clear my head, shake my hands and get ready to do the thing I loved most - put on a show. I did pretty good considering I was only seven and by the time i was finished showing off my skills all my doubts were gone because I knew that I had done my very best and left my hard work on the stage. …show more content…

I hadn't really planned on it but my music teacher thought that at my age ( I was only about 10 or 11 ) I had the potential to be a great singer, so I took her advice. I was actually pretty good at it so I decided to stay in choir until middle school when I was told to join the school band by my schoolmate Altreze. Altreze was he was one of my closest friends and was like a brother to me. You see, Altreze was just like me he loved performing and putting on a show. We had a passion for the arts, we were always told how talented we were when it came to performing and we wanted to always have that if we had nothing else, so we stayed in the area of performing always making sure almost anything that we did had to deal with

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