Personal Narrative: How Talents Affected My Life

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Everyone has a talent but some talents show more than others and defiantly impact your life more than others might. My talent that has greatly impacted my life is music and public speaking. These talents have greatly impacted my life because this is a part of my career and they will change my life forever so the fact that I enjoy it makes my life that much better.
I started with music at a very young age and I quickly fell in love with not only music itself but the fact that I could create something for others to hear and possible change their life through what I play. This thought simply blew my mind. I could do something that changed someone else’s life and all I had to do was do something that I enjoy. I became involved with the church band in order to share my talent with others, at the time I figure this would be a temporary thing until I found something better that I wanted to do. Me and my family had just moved to a new church and I was very shy, however, after a while I slowly realized that this is something that I wanted to do for longer than a little while. Now as it turns out I will be in this band till I graduate and go off for college because I simply enjoy it that much. When I started I had no idea that I would be where I am. It started as a hobby of playing guitar on the side and now I play piano, drums, cajon, …show more content…

The second talent that changed my life is public speaking. Now I consider this a talent because people are simply either too scared to speak in front of people or they don’t know what to say. For me this come natural, if I have something planned and I know what I’m talking about I can talk confidently and in ways that are easy to understand. This is not only something that I enjoy doing but it greatly benefits me for the line of work that I want to go into. I am very grateful for this talent because not very many people have it and it can become very useful in many aspects of

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