Personal Narrative Essay On Returning To School

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It’s been so long since we’ve last talked. I can’t believe we graduated more than seven months ago, it seriously feels like just yesterday! [Liking]: Are you still drawing and painting? I remember spending hours after school planning and sketching out the next pep rally themes with you. We were such perfectionists, what could have taken anyone else thirty minutes to draw, literally took us days, but it was always worth it in the end, seeing our visions come to life on the big backdrops never got old! I miss those days. We need to hangout again soon, it’s been too long since we’ve gotten the group together and I miss you guys like crazy. When you, me, Taylor, and Maddie got together there was seriously never a dull moment! Speaking of Taylor, I just ran into her last week, we ended up talking for hours about life and your name got brought up. She was telling me that you decided to take the semester off and you weren’t planning on returning to school. I know by now, it’s been awhile since you’ve seen a classroom, but with your intelligence and skill, …show more content…

I totally understand where you were coming from and if that’s part of the reason why you left, then I can see why it would be hard for you to return. Taking time off to help and support your family during such a hard time must’ve been a huge commitment, but that's the type of caring person you are. Always willing to drop everything that you’re doing in order to help others. You’ve always been so selfless, and I know first hand what it's like having to step up and be the parental figure for your younger siblings during stressful family times. So, I can only imagine the toll these past few months have had on you. Taylor was telling me however, that your grandma's been doing much better, I’m so happy to hear that! I hope you’re feeling better as

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