My Graduation Day Essay

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Have you ever been nervous and excited for something at the same time? That is how I felt during my last year of high school leading all the way up to graduation. I had never sat down and figured out what I wanted to do with my life; I would always pick something then switch to something else almost immediately. Graduation day was that epiphany for me that I really had no idea what I was going to do with my life even though I was accepted to LSU and declared a major in Computer Science.
I woke up around noon, just like a regular Saturday, and took a shower then got dressed; only then did I realize that I was supposed to get my high school diploma that night. I did not really know what to think and I just sat at my desk for a long time thinking about what my life was going to be like in the next couple of years. I thought about living on my own, going to college, paying bills, and the scariest of all a job that I am supposed to do for the rest of my life; I was excited about all the new possibilities that were going to open up to me but I was scared about what the future actually held. I eventually started thinking about some worst-case scenarios, like all minds tend to …show more content…

We got to the convention center where the ceremony was being held and the parking garage was so full we had to park three blocks away. As I walked through the doors of the convention center I found my to the sea of purple and yellow caps and gowns that were already forming a line. I quickly threw on my gown and walked into the back to find out where I was supposed to be and instead found my English teacher frantically running around trying to get everyone in place. I was pushed into my row and told not to talk, that’s not easy when you have to sit through 400 other people’s names getting called before yours does but I muscled through

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