Personal Expectations In Relationships

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7) Expectations Couples are optimistic in relationships, especially when they are committed to each other. Some require extra attention while others are easy to please. At first, most people are not very demanding due to fear of scaring the other person away. However, over time this attitude changes. Difficult to please people have no inhibitions about pointing out disapproval. This can be a range of little things, such as not washing dishes after dinner or keeping the toilet sit down, all the way to absolute control over insignificant details. Expectations that are hard to meet bring uncertainty to a relationship. Some examples of this are requesting an expensive diamond ring for a wedding when you do not have the income, or demanding a vacation to an exuberant place or having to buy a house right away when you have insufficient credit. Other expectations can be reasonable, but harder to meet. A seemingly easy expectation is family or church weekly visitation. Just because you enjoy it does not mean everyone in your household does. Other examples include personal habits and house chores among …show more content…

Communication is the key to understanding personal values. By understanding the other person, one can have a clear picture of where the relationship is going. You must also be true to yourself. If the differences of opinion are too radical, it might be better to call it all off before it gets too serious. We must never compromise our most important values. Do not make a commitment with the assumption that your partner will agree to change just for you. We need more than love to keep us together. Unconditional love should exist in all marriages, but in reality, it does not. When the gap is not too great, try your best to please. You will receive rewards beyond measure, as long as your partner 's love is real. I do not know anyone who does not appreciate seeing a loved one making an effort to

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