Personal Ethical Pl An Example Of My Personal Ethics Plan

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My Personal Ethics Plan
I have most of my life consider myself to be an ethical person. I try to empathize with others, be kind and respectful and definitely not be deceitful. I was raised in a family with morals, values. I come from a Christian home, but not overly religious. I was raised by parents who always stressed for us to be respectful and honest people. We were taught the rights and the wrongs of life. We were taught not only to conduct ourselves in this manner at home, but to also carry these beliefs into the work world and world in general. But, I am aware that I am human and have made mistakes in my life that have questioned my ethics. Then again, there have been many experiences, personal and work related to where I struggled.
Another thing I have seen is when employees take small things from the company they work for. I have seen an employee who used to have another coworker clock her in if she were going to be late. Although this annoyed me, I cannot say I opened my mouth about it. I did not feel it was ethical. However, I did not want to be involved and turned a blind eye to that situation. I think in part was because the moral was not a good one in our office and I noticed that my immediate supervisor would show up late and intoxicated. In some ways I believed all parties would eventually be caught for what they were doing. I knew one day I would own my own business and just took a mental note of some of these inappropriate actions that people partake in. Each and every day we face whether we will act in an ethical fashion. It is more of a struggle for some than others. Now that I am a business owner and a parent of three now adult children, I have really tried to instill what was instilled in me. When you become responsible for not only yourself but for other human beings that rely solely on you to teach what are the right and wrongs of this world, it is a huge responsibility. I am aware that my children and family
I know they will also raise their children the same. I believe if you treat people with respect and dignity that this can carry you a long way in life and business. My Father is a well-respected man in his community. There has been a lot of business tossed my way simply because of who my dad is as a dignified and respected man. I have come to know throughout the years, had my dad not been an ethical person, I would not be able to conduct some of the business I contribute to my dad obtaining for me. My mother is also a woman who has a lot of integrity. Although I have always been aware of my parents ethics and what they instilled in my siblings and myself, it gives you a good feeling inside to know you are viewed in that light. I treat not only my clients with decency, but people in general. I value my friends, my family, my customers and I value my freedom and feel there is too much to lose when it comes to your integrity and your word. You can lose respect from others. It can affect your business and how much business you do. At the end of the day all you have is your word. It still carries much weight where I come from. My Plan is to carry out what I have done for many years,

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