Servant Leadership Analysis

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In my opinion the Chapter 10 surveys presented more valuable information to me. I had two coworkers complete the survey for me as requested in the assignment. They evaluated 28 phrases and the degree to which they apply to me through their experiences. Even though there is research that has shown multiple conditions which servant leadership is not preferred, I am still proud of my results and the person which it reflects who I am. The results break down seven dimensions which are:
• Emotional Healing
• Creating Value for The Community,
• Conceptual Skills,
• Empowering
• Helping Followers Grow and Succeed
• Putting Followers First
• Behaving Ethically
I scored the highest for conceptual skills (28), which is the highest achievable score …show more content…

I am very proud of behaving ethically because I have made a promise to myself in my career a few things already. Firstly, that I will act ethically. Secondly, that I whatever company I may end up working for must operate ethically and with good intentions. Lastly, if there is not a company out there that can act ethically, whether it be corruption of personal values, capitalism, black-mail, lobbyists, or general lack of power to act ethically, then I will do whatever is possible to try and create my own company that can. Especially for the sake of the employees. If you are going to invest more of your time (in most scenarios) to a company than you get to spend with your family. Shouldn’t you be happy, shouldn’t you be confident that you are taken care of or cared about, that you aren’t just a moving part on an assembly line that can be beat up until it breaks but easily replaced. Another one of my …show more content…

• It was the first time that I had ever met someone so generous, so unwilling to get anything in return and so determined that it leads me to be able to help someone else who is in need.
• Out of nowhere, probably after 15 minutes of me sitting in the parking lot debating the most efficient path to take, he kindly knocks on my window again and said follow me.
• I was sitting in my truck and I don’t know if I was blatantly advertising concern on my face or if he heard my conversation asking the clerk if my card worked at the station.
• As a matter of fact, it would appear as though I was walking in the complete opposite direction of the assigned question, so it is necessary for me to give some backstory.
• I would like to note that I only have knowledge that would be less than the tip of an iceberg, so I stand strongly on what little I know, not ignorantly professing that I know enough.
• 20 or more and a 94 Silverado hemi gets nothing to the mile so it was kind but not nearly enough to reach the next location my phone was saying the card would work

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