The Importance of High Ethical Standards, as Explained by Eric Wahlgren in The Ins and Outs of Ethics

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The Ins and Outs of Ethics is a Business Week Online magazine article from May 13, 2001, it was written by Eric Wahlgren. In the article he interviews Michael Rion, the author of The Responsible Manager. Rion is also a leading business ethics advisor who consults many Standard and Poor’s 500 companies. In the article Wahlgren asks Rion why it is important for businesses to have a high ethical standard. In his responses, Rion explains that effective organizations utilize ethics programs to clearly define ethical expectations, resolve ethical issues quickly, and to remove moral constraints. Additionally, employees who understand how to deal with ethical dilemmas will also be more productive and have strong core values to guide them. According to scripture, Rions concepts are biblically sound, relevant, and desirable, proving that ethical organizational behavior is shaped and influenced by sound ethical principles.
Effective organizations are able to clearly define their ethical expectations by setting high moral standards, writing codes of conduct, and utilizing mentoring programs. “Masters provide your servants with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven” (Col. 4:1). When organizations clearly define their ethical expectations to their subordinates, they are much more likely to treat their customers fairly. Customers who are treated fairly are much more likely to be loyal consumers of the products or services that the company provides. This helps to establish a loyal customer base that a business can depend upon, thus providing a predictable source of annual revenue. If an employer treats their employees with respect, honesty, and with candor they’ll give the customer 110% (Rion, 2001).
“If ...

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...ints this can be accomplished by applying the remedies discussed by Rion. Applying these principles will be helpful in building relationships with customers, employees, and stakeholders. Associates who know how to handle ethical concerns are also more productive, they possess strong core values that reinforce their sense of purpose. Rion’s concepts are ethically sound, relevant, and can be supported by biblical verses like Col. 4:1, 1 Jn. 5:4, and Ro.3:31. “If you build that foundation, both the moral and the ethical foundation, as well as the business foundation, and the experience foundation, then the building won't crumble” as cited by Henry Kravis N.D.

Works Cited

Kravis, H. (N.D.). Retrieved from:
Wahlgren, E. (2001). Retrieved from: and-outs-of-ethics

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