Perfectionist Theory Of Perfectionism

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Pacht (1984) states that perfectionists are the ones who set high standards without any reason, and they try to accomplish their goals. The perfectionists think that in truth only exists extremes but there is no middle ground. For them percentage of success as a rate of 95% or higher is a failure because they have to be 100% perfect. For example if they were given a rate they will focus on the failure rate. Perfectionism can be explained as a desire to gain the high standards of performance. But perfectionists can not fulfill their expectations so they critise themselves (Pacht, 1984). Hamachek in 1978 (as cited in Schwarz, Gairret, Araguete, & Gold, 2005) found that there are two types of perfectionists: Normal and neurotic perfectionists. Normal perfectionists are the ones who can select pleasure in normal degrees from their occupations and they need approval from others just like anyone else. They think that it is a good way to give encouragement. Encouragement is needed to become better. Normal perfectionists are the normal form of perfectionism so they can concentrate on the good ways to gather perfectionism. They have quite normal expectations from themselves. Latter one wants more performance than they can do so they become unsatisfied because they think that they can not do better as anyone else. Neurotic perfectionists are not like normal perfectionist so they are not comfortable with their performance. There were non-pathological perfectionists and pathological perfectionists. Non-pathological perfectionists are the ones who can make big standards and they believe that it is essential for perfection. Pathological perfectionists are the ones who set standards and make decisions and they have a critical concern over mistak... ... middle of paper ... ... perfectionism as a specific characteristic. And they compared their rate of perfectionism. They used MPS-H and MPS-F scales. Women with anorexia nervosa had high scores on MPS-F and MPS-F. Pliner and Haddock (1995, as cited in Hewitt & Flett, 2002) defined that women who had concerns about their weight had more high standards than the others who didn’t had any concerns. Perfectionism leads to crucial psychopathologhy. Perfectionists believe that they should be behaving perfectly. There are typical characteristics of perfectionism. I want to name them briefly. The concern over mistakes, setting personal standards, having standards like parents would think that they are not good is characteristics of perfectionists. So perfectionist scenario is same they set goals, but can’t reach the high goals that they have set. So they can’t obtain them and they feel unsatisfied.

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