Deborah Ellis Parvana Endurance Quotes

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The book Parvana by Deborah Ellis shows_ endurance in many ways. The most obvious way was through Parvana and how her family shaped her endurance. Parvana is_a young girl from Afghanistan whose father was taken by the Taliban. Parvana sacrifices much, including her hair. Parvana gets over her fears with her families support, and goes to work in the market for her family that needs it most.

Parvana’s endurance was shaped by the people around her. Parvana was the only one capable of going into the market and working “cut Nooria’s hair she’s the oldest it’s her responsibility to look after me not my responsibility to look after her. No one would believe me to be a boy, Nooria said looking calmly down at her body.” At first Parvana didn’t know what to think but as she started working she started to feel needed. Her family was depending on her so she became stronger and endured through even the hardest times “Parvana kept hauling water her arms were sore and the blisters on her feet started to bleed again. She didn’t think about that she fetched water because her family needed it.” Even though she got into fights with Nooria this made Parvana stronger, and just want to show that she was useful and not a young shy girl. Eventually Nooria started softening up and helping her sister. This was a big thing for Parvana and her confidence. …show more content…

She did this because she knew the hard depressing time her family was going through with the father been taken away. “I’m here for my husband mother said and held a photograph in front of the officer’s face. Mrs Weera was a role model to Parvana throughout the book. Parvana always listened to her and always did her best to make Mrs Weera and her family happy. Mrs Weera always pushed Parvana “Are you waiting for it to rain inside off you go.” Mrs Weera’s extra support always lifted Parvana up and got her going

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