Parents Go Not To Vaccinate Children Essay

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People fight disease daily. Many find vaccination vital to survival. Through vaccination many countries have manages to eradicate certain diseases. In modern America schools and educational facilities require certain vaccinations be administered to students, yet some parents opt to not vaccinate their children for various reasons. Many question whether or not parents should have the right to decide not to vaccinate their children. The argument is strong both ways, but the process for a parent to opt out of vaccinating their child requires an extent of research and effort that assures the parent has made a conscious and responsible decision. A parent deserves the right to decide what he allows into his child’s body.
Vaccination is a tool used to prevent the spread of disease. Inhabitants of the United States are privileged with the access to vaccines and medicine, which protects them from disease. People in some areas of the world are not as fortunate, and many people die of disease, because they do not have access to the lifesaving medicine. It seems preposterous that while in other areas of the world people are hopelessly dying without access to the medicine which some American’s consciously refuse to use. As parents refuse to vaccinate their children some …show more content…

A major factor is often cost. The cost of vaccination is not only the administering of the vaccine, but the clinic visit must also be payed for. When a parent takes their child to the clinic to get vaccinated before ever speaking of vaccination he must pay to see a healthcare provider who will decide what will be administered. Healthcare is expensive, and many people don’t have the funds to afford it. Many parents work endless hours to earn enough to afford food and essentials for the household with nothing left over. In such cases deciding to not vaccinate a child is no longer a choice but a decision set by

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