Opcraft: Questions And Answers

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What rank are you applying for? Staff
What is your age? 14
Are you a Boy or Girl? Boy
What country do you live in? England
Do you have a YouTube or Twitch channel? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl64w5k8EIf-cq06VJR7l0A
Do you have a microphone/headset? Yes, I have teamspeak and love chatting to OPCraft in it!
Why do you want this rank? I want this rank so I can make OPCraft a better place to play! I want to stop hacking all together on OPCraft (I already have stopped a lot by telling available staff who banned them). I don't only want to stop hackers, I want to stop people who break chat rules. Also, I want OPCraft to keep it's players so I would punish anyone who advertises another server IP address.
How do you think you can assist the server if you become this rank? I can assist the server by stopping as many rule breakers as I can (as I said above). I will make OPCraft a nicer place to play by stopping people breaking the rules and ruining the game for other players. …show more content…

GO ADD HIM" then I would contact higher staff so they could be banned.

If someone was using a hacked client, I would ban them for 48 hours and then contact other staff so we could decide if they should be unbanned or banned

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