Olympics Persuasive Essay

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The Olympics is a sport event where there's different genres of sports competing for a gold medal. It all started in 776 BC, the Olympics was created by Baron Pierre de Coubertin well it was rebirthed by him in 1894. It's unknown who created the games but it all started in Greece for values and religious beliefs. A few advantages of hosting the Olympics games is free publicity, money, and create more jobs. The disadvantages for hosting a major event are: cost of money, taxes increase, and use of the Olympic stadium is useless after the games. One of top contenders in the Olympic figure skating is Shoma Uno and another top contender in the Olympics is Michael Phelps; a swimmer who won too many gold medals. How come we don't have football or baseball in the Olympics? It would make the …show more content…

I'm sure the ratings on the Olympic games would definitely be better. But then again, the United States will most likely conquer those sports. So, I guess you can say it’s predictable and not fair since the U.S. invented those sports.

But then why is basketball in the Olympics and boxing? So yes, football and baseball should be in there and this may be bias but that just means more gold medals for the U.S. The Olympics is expensive and is it worth it? I think not a lot of money, gone to waste for an event that happens only every 4 years and not I feel like most people don’t even watch the Olympics. I think it's going to end soon. Some people may love the games, but I personally don't even watch it or even care for it. If they want more views, then they have to put a sport in there that's never been the before. Not to be a hater or anything but the Olympics are boring, and I guarantee a good amount of people

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