Nice Colored Girls Essay

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Tracey Moffatt is an Australian Aboriginal artist known to be Australia’s most successful artist both nationally and internationally. She was born in Brisbane on the 15th November in 1960 and predominantly uses photography and video to convey her intentions and concepts. During the 1990s’ Moffatt created videos that reflected issues of the world she lived in including sexuality, history, representation and race. As her works developed through the next decade, She began to explore narratives in more gothic settings that were full of drama and emotion. Since the early 2000’s, Moffatt has stopped creating works that contain particular subject matter and environments to becoming more directly concerned with fame and celebrity. Nice Coloured Girls, 1987, 16 minutes, Short Film Nice Coloured Girls, 1987, By Tracey Moffatt is a film about three Aboriginal women wondering through Kings Cross and how they encourage a ‘captain’ (A drunken white man) to spend his money on them and to drink until debilitated while they happily steal his wallet and run away to catch a taxi. The film includes sound with the soundscape recalling a rural environment and a voice-over of extracts from Colonist Lieutenant William Bradley who writes in his diary recalling the first settlement, printed …show more content…

The film during this period was seen as unusual as many contemporary Aboriginal filmmakers created documentaries and realist dramas where as Moffatt uses mockery and false humour to oppose dominant representations, as well as challenge the notion of what constitutes an Aboriginal film. She also explores how representations throughout history has constructed her identity and that of her race by addressing authorised accounts of history in order to re-interpret history from her own experience and knowledge of growing up as an Aboriginal women.

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