Nephrologist: A Case Study

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On 1/9/18 I met Ms. Hendrick at the office of Dr. Kala, Neurologist. Ms. Hendrick reports that she had just left the lab having a repeat kidney function lab value drawn. She will find out when the values are available if she is able to have the port removed from her chest and confirm that she is not going to need more dialysis. Ms. Hendrick said she has a constant headache now. Her face still becomes numb on the right and the pain is mainly on the right side of her head. The best the pain level gets is a 5 and the worst is an 8. Now that she is limited to medications she doesn’t seem to be able to break the cycle. She reports that the Sumatriptan was not approved so she did not have that to take. Ms. Hendrick also gave me a bill that was from an MRI done ordered by Dr. Saper. I have enclosed a copy for the adjuster. All medications were reviewed; many have been stopped due to the kidney function. She no longer takes Neurontin, Lyrica, and Metformin. She will need approval by the Nephrologists before she can resume them. She does however still need the Sumatriptan injections. At this point, Dr. Kala recommends getting clearance from the Nephrologists to resume treatment with Dr. Saper. Ms. Hendrick will proceed with getting that clearance. …show more content…

Hendrick. The med-port is being removed. She has not had any dialysis since 12/20/17. Her Nephrologists has determined she can have the port removed and will not need dialysis at this point. I have discussed with her moving forward in getting an appointment with Dr. Saper's office. She is very hesitant in proceeding forward and taking “experimental” medications after everything she has been through. She wants to think about it before proceeding. Dr. Kala told her she would need documentation from the Nephrologists for Dr. Saper saying it is okay to

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