Narrative Essay About Rap Music

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I’ll never forget the Christmas that I received my first MP3 player. It was a gift from my Grandmother, and she had already downloaded some of my favorite music onto it. The MP3 player had around fifty classic rock songs, and it was the start of my ever-growing music library. My father always listened to classic rock, and I learned to love it from a young age. I can still remember driving around in his Ford Bronco blasting AC/DC and Metallica like it was just yesterday. That type of music made me feel like a hardcore kid that could do anything he wanted. Classic rock was the beginning of my love for music, and still has a special place in my heart to this day. I downloaded more and more rock onto my first MP3 player until I ran out of memory and needed another. Over time I branched out to new genres of music, and found myself really liking the way some of the rap music made me feel. I did not always agree with the material that was being sung, but it made me feel a certain way that nothing else could compare to. Nowadays I love the beat and rhythm of …show more content…

I did my research and bought a good pair because sound quality is very important to me. I want to hear music exactly how the musician wanted it to be heard. I dislike hearing music being distorted, such as when someone plays music too loud on speakers that cannot handle it. This is a common issue that happens almost every time I get in the car with my roommate. I like the sound of music so much that I’ve always said that my back-up plan if all else fails is to be a DJ of some sort.
The type of music I listen to usually depends on the emotional state I am in. If I am tired or feeling relaxed I like to hear music with soft, slow sound. The majority of the time I like the sound of a big bass, with lyrics that I can hear clearly. I also really enjoy the sound of bagpipes. I love how unique the sound is, and hope to be able to play the bagpipes

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