Persuasive Essay About Rap Music

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Have you ever wondered what was making that horrible racket coming from a teen’s car. The odds are that it would be some type of rap song, yet the beat was too loud for you to hear the lyrics. Based off what the mass knows about rap music, you were lucky to not hear the lyrics right, wrong. Rap lyrics have many senses of great poetry and life lessons that should be heard. At least some of rap songs relate to struggles, deaths they have suffered, or even respect of women that many do not believe that rappers would ever do. Rap music is becoming increasingly meaningful for not only adults but for older youth as well to comprehend about respect and an improved understanding of life with struggles and oppressions. Rap is becoming more popular than ever, soon most of the world will have some type of knowledge of rap music. Rachel Sullivan from the University of Connecticut stated “White respondents in this survey had difficulty naming three rap artists, which indicated that they did not have a high level of commitment to the music.” This statement was produced in 2003, also seemed to be very one dimensional. Recently, rap music has been surging through the masses no matter the race. Furthermore, rap is becoming very prevalent especially in the youth of this era. Many trends, commercials, social media, etc. are revolving around rap music. …show more content…

Whether for the better or for the worse. Rap music has just as many as negative effects as positive effects within the lyrics of rap music. The lyrics that have built an entire revolution and culture among the human race. There has been speculation and there will always be those who doubt rap music, although the gap between who enjoys it and who dislikes is increases. Rap is making its way to becoming more and more relatable for all. So no matter the lyrics, all is relatable to those who listen to the songs as much as those who have created

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