Rock And Roll Music Influence On American Culture

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Rock and Roll singer Larry Williams once said, “Rock and Roll has no beginning and no end for it is the very pulse of life itself.” This means that Rock and Roll plays a very important part in American culture and society. Rock and Roll will never die out and it is the beginning of many other different genres. Rock and Roll has had a tremendous influence on the culture and society of America. Rock and Roll music had a positive influence on American culture and society through race, sexuality, and generational conflict. Rock and Roll music had a positive influence on american culture and society through race. With segregation, Rock 'n' Roll was the one thing that merged the two races together. They all were brought together for the same purpose: music and entertainment. This genre allowed people to forget about the troubles around the world and enjoy the magical sound of music. Rock 'n' Roll influences the social interactions and uniting between black and white teenagers. Rock 'n' Roll forced labels that were prejudice to sign black artists because the music was so profitable and popular …show more content…

Elvis' music broke the racial barrier when whites and blacks were segregated. His music merged African American music so white American teens were exposed to it who had never really heard it before. Little Richard respected Elvis saying that he was in integrator, blessing, and a door opener for black music. Elvis had a one-of-a-kind sound to his music, which is what made him stand out and so popular. His dancing, which angered adults, created a different and new generation among teenagers. Elvis allowed people to express themselves physically and sexually openly. Elvis was the start of youth culture, the breakdown of sexual self-conscious and inability to act in a relaxed and natural way, and the end of racial segregation. Elvis had a positive influence and legacy on American

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