O. Net Assessment Paper

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The O*Net assessment is designed to help students explore the school-to-work transition and help workers consider and plan career options, preparation, and transitions more effectively. Based on my O*Net assessment, my interest results have determined I’m realistic 27, investigative 35, and conventional 29. The first interest result involves realistic people, hence those who have interests that include practical, hands-on problems and answers. According to the results, realistic people do not like careers that involve paperwork or working closely with other. However, I don’t completely agree with these results. Although, I don’t like involving much paperwork, I do consider myself a team player, as I like working closely with other people. For …show more content…

The second interest result involves investigative people, thus those who like work that has to do with ideas and thinking, rather than physical activity or leading people. Again, I would have to slightly disagree with these results, as I’m a person who likes to see people succeed and often times find myself guiding others to complete a task. I engage others to break down their ideas into parts, in order to solve a problem and follow-through. The third interest result involves conventional people, thus those that pay attention to detail and follow a set of procedures and routine, rather than working with their own ideas. I’d have to agree with this assessment, as I find myself forming a set of procedures or falling into a routine at work, in order to avoid gazing over vital detail. However, I do bring my ideas to the table when I find a project can be handled differently. For example, the instance when I created a fraud report that would automatically monitor suspicious activity on Rewards accounts. Another piece of the assessment that I liked was it provided me with careers that fit my interests and preparation levels

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