my CFT essay 5

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I have trained for the past four years to gain muscle mass so that I can enter bodybuilding competitions and win them. I have not entered any competition yet but I will be competing when my body-weight reaches 80kg, 10% body fat. But right now the goal is to gain muscle mass. It has been really tough eating clean and working hard in the gym day-in day-out. Initially, it was difficult to figure out what foods to eat and what was good for my digestive system and how many calories I was consuming each day. I ignored this tracking process for the first two years but after reading articles on the internet about the importance of tracking my workouts as well as my daily Macronutrient intake, I started the tracking process. This process really helped me in knowing my body. MY PROFILE Current Bodyweight – 73.5 kg Body Fat Percentage – 10% Basal Metabolic rate – 1764 Daily Activity Multiplier – 1.8 Daily Protein Intake – 190 to 210 grams Daily Carbohydrate Intake – 500 to 520 grams Daily Fat Intake – 50 to 60 grams. Recommended Daily Caloric Requirement – 3175 calories I am pure vegetarian (NO EGGS!) and being on a vegan diet and being an ectomorph it was really hard putting on weight and gaining muscle mass but I am giving it all to achieve my goal. Since I started tracking, I was able to stay on track. Though it has been a slow progress but I am very satisfied with the way I am progressing. I follow EAT, SLEEP, TRAIN and REPEAT kind of lifestyle. I usually do not get involved in other activities apart from my weight training. My workouts are really very intense and I train 5 times a week. I train intensely for 8 weeks minimum followed by 2 weeks of light resistance training to give my muscles and nervous system time to recover and rec... ... middle of paper ... ...weight and once every month I measure my body fat percentage using an Omron body composition monitor under the same conditions. I am able to meet my daily caloric requirement but I think the reason for my slow progress is a lack of quality protein (as there is greater muscle damage from high intensity workouts and hence the requirement of protein increases for tissue repair, maintenance or building purposes). I think another reason for my slow progress is not adjusting my caloric needs up each month. My body is able to put on muscle mass easily now as compared to 2 years back. I think the reason for this is that my somatotype is between ectomorph and mesomorph. I will be cutting back on calories coming from carbohydrate and fat on non-training days. I will try this approach and follow my vegan diet and see how my body responds and how far my body is able to take me.

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