My Future Essay

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Teachers, Family, and even people you meet on the street always asks me at least once what I am going to do with my future. I had my life planned out for me when I was young. My father is retired Navy and wanted me to join the Air Force for as long as I remember. I considered more options then just military. In the middle and high schools I was pushed to college. I assumed the only options I had was college or military. The benefits of joining the military is great. From what my family told me. I would get transportation to wherever the boot camp is for Air Force. I would never get fired unless something disastrous. I would get free room and board, a advanced paycheck and travel the world. I could even get a free scholarship for my choice No chances of that in the military, no matter how badly my family wants me to go. So my own choices is college or working straight out of high school. Picture this, I wasn 't too bad of a student but still have pretty awful grades. The only curricular activities I ever tried doing was Theater. My only decent subjects was Art and Reading. Could I even get into a college? I wondered and decided the only way to make a living was working out of high school. Like what my mother did. But living off the jobs from that I 've found is impossible. I 've took a year off after high school to decide what I wanted. I 've became a apprentice of a artist in New Orleans to help start my career while on my break. He taught me a lot about how to run your own business and gain customers. He greatly influenced my decision on college. Question is this. How to get in and pay for I decided that my calling is art and my path to that is college. I have to tell my family. The very family that pressed me into any branch of military for all my life. I had support with my mom and together we got my dad reluctantly on board. My father 's family wasn 't as supportive nor was most of my mom 's. Even so, I asked them advice on colleges I should consider and how to plan to get into them. I researched online many times. Looking at another perspective helped me. I found out they is many ways to pay for colleges. I also found out community colleges will pretty much accept anyone. I narrowed my selection down to MGCC, PRCC, and Memphis College of Art. Singled my college to PRCC because it was the closest to my house that I did not have to drive too. Went to Poplarville and filled out the applications and the instructor said I should fill out the FAFSA. I filled it out after several tries. For some reason the website was on a cycle of submit then log in then create and over again. Once I finally got it to submit my application I was relieved. The days to my first day of college looming over me and hurried to gather things I know I would need. I realized the money from FAFSA that would pay my college was not showing up. I called the PRCC IT and FAFSA help to figure it out. Finally, I got everything settled and the time raced by until it was the first day. I know my decision in going

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