My Fitness Phenomenal Model: The Transtheoretical Model

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Trans theoretical Model is a health model that focuses on the individual who is ready to create new healthier habits. The theory has been widely used by the health professional to treat health behaviors such as smoking cessation, eating disorder, and physical activity. According to the process of change, an individual who received appropriate intervention is most likely to become successful. There are five stages including contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination. Pre-contemplation is where the individual has no intention to change a health behavior. Contemplation occurs if the individual thinks about moving forward, but does not exactly know where to begin. A preparation occurs where the individual who …show more content…

My fitness pal has been successfully in providing feedback for users to keep track of their calorie intake and fitness level. The app is very beneficial in behavior change for the user to record his or her food intake consumed and achieve weight loss. The app is definitely recommended for users who prefer to consume healthy foods and do exercise regularly to enhance a healthy lifestyle. A few years ago, my friend suffers from the cardiovascular disease and has tried several diets to help lose weight, but did not achieve a better outcome. She wanted to consult a nutritionist who can give tips on meal planning and exercising. She told her nutritionist that is ready to take 30-day workout challenge. During the action phase, she started participating in an exercise program while using the app. She does regularly exercise at least 3-4 times a week and keep track to see how many calories burned. After doing a 30-day workout, my friend (user) has lost ten pounds, which made her feel confident and energized. The app has motivated her to make smart healthy foods and continue fitness journey
However, the concern for using this app with the transtheoretical model is that a user does not have an interest keeping them healthy and fit. A user faced hunger cues to crave more food and drink rather than exercising. A user also faced adversity in this app for not keeping a record of food intake and fitness level in order to reach the desired goal. The limitation for this app is that a user cannot browse and record their food and fitness level due to creating new updates for this app. The best way is to receive social support for a user to stay on track and maintain a healthy

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