Summary Of The Naked Truth About Fitness By Barbara Ehrenreich

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To deify means to raise a person, object, or ideal to the status of a god, to worship a “non-god” and to give anything the status of god. When doing such an action, the object deified will not succeed in the deification process. The worshipers develop expectations of their deity and the object falls short in the expectations of the god status. However, the religion has better chances. The ideal cannot act in any way and therefore cannot fall short of expectations. It will however, distort any previous worldview, taking a virtue and making it a vice. Barbara Ehrenreich discusses the deification of the virtue of health in her essay titled, “The Naked Truth about Fitness.” She states, “We redefined virtue as health.” (Ehrenreich, 2014, p. 327) Her essay tackles the problem of the recent glorification of health that has plagued modern America, referencing the term “healthism.” …show more content…

Because health has redefined morality, and fitness determines “goodness,” then individual perception of health determines whether someone is “good.” Ehrenreich states, “It’s easy for the middle-class fiber enthusiast to look down on the ghetto dweller who smokes cigarettes and spends her food stamps on Doritos and soda pop.” (Ehrenreich, 2014, p. 349) A person’s health does not determine their virtue. Some have little control over their fitness. Often, health stems from environment, “It’s one thing to give up smoking and sucrose when life seems long and promising, quite another when it might be short and brutal.” (Ehrenreich, 2014, p. 349) Some people have less opportunity for fitness; those who do have opportunity then judge those people. For virtue to come easier for some than others does not function well. The divide, with a direct correlation of wealth and morals, does not work. The perception of “good,” before “healthism,” saw morality as a non-physical. The religion of health discovers morality in the

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