My Favorite Chaperone

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The story “My Favorite Chaperone” was written by Jean Davies Okimoto. This story has a very powerful message to it. The theme shows how a family is going through a hard time as they are moving from a country that is completely different than America. This story starts off with a family who lives in Kazakhstan, then moves to America because of their Aunt Madina. Aunt Madina married this guy named Bob Campbell who lived in America, they met through a dating magazine. After 6 months of dating they finally got married and moved to America. Aunt Madina kept bugging the rest of her family to move there. When they finally decided to move there they realized how different America was. Mama, Papa, Nurzhan (the son), and Maya (the daughter) were all scared of living in a completely new place but they were all also happy because they knew they had each other. The first week of school Nurzhan got into a fight with this kid named Ossie Nishizono, Ossie was picking on Nurzhan for the way he talked. Maya was called down to the schools front office and she was the translator. Maya lied to papa about a few things so papa would be as mad. Maya also got into trouble, Maya was with her crush Daniel after his weight training class, to be funny Daniel lifted Maya up. As soon as Papa came to pick …show more content…

She then couldn’t work for 6 weeks that puts Maya in charge of all of mama’s jobs. After school Maya had to clean houses (mamas job) then clean her own house, on top of that she had to cook dinner for the whole family for 6 whole weeks. One night Maya made dinner and she burned the chicken a little. Papa complained and said “This tastes like my shoe!” mama replied “Aibek, I have to keep my foot up, and Maya is doing the best she can. It is not easy. She must go to school, then do my work, then cook for us. She is just a young girl." Maya felt really touched by mamas comment because she didn’t realize how much mama appreciates Mayas hard

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