Analyzing The Short Story 'Turning The Other Cheek'

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Francesca Thompson Mrs. Asselin ⅘ “ Tuesday of the Other June” February 7, 2017 Turning the Other Cheek In the short story “ Tuesday of the Other June” June is an obedient, confident and caring a girl. June has a rough time at swim class because of another girl who has the same name as her. The Other June is a girl who is bullying June. She tells June that she is the only person who can go by that name--so she starts calling her names like “Fish Eyes”, “ Buffalo Brain”, and “ Turkey Nose.” And something is holding her back from telling the Other June to Stop bullying her. Being obedient is what is holding June back from standing up for herself. In the beginning of the story, June’s mom sings to her in the morning while she’s brushing her hair, “ Be good, be good, be good, be good, my Junie.” June’s mom tells her that so that she doesn't get into trouble because it's just the two of them. Her mom would tell her, “it’s just us two women alone in the world.” June is always trying to be obedient so …show more content…

She cared so much for her mom. June really wanted to take care of her mom. One time she said to herself, “ I want to be rich and take care of her. She worked too hard; her pretty hair had gray in it that she joked about.” And then spoke, “ I’ll buy you a real house, and you’ll never work in a pot factory again.” June loves, and cares about her mom so much. She never wants to worry her mom. Even when June is in bed and is imagining “robbers and thieves came in quietly like cats” she stuffs her hand in her mouth so that her mom won't be tired for work the following day. June cares about her mom so much that she doesn't want to tell her mom about the Other June bullying her because she doesn't want her to worry. When her mom found out about all the bruises on her arms (from being pinched by the Other June) she lied and just made up a story about tripping over the

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