Ministry Philosophy

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There are various definitions and understanding of the word philosophy. Philosophy is the parameters and the starting point on how an individual processes what is important to him. A ministry philosophy attempts to answer the deep question concerning what is ministry. A ministry philosophy should seek to clarify goals, priorities, and purpose. A ministry philosophy is the intersection of beliefs and task. Additionally, a ministry philosophy provides the basic framework for a minister as he approaches various ministry issues.
Mark’s Philosophy of Ministry
The foundation for any philosophy of ministry must be rooted in God’s Word. Without a biblical understanding of ministry, individuals are left with mere opinions that will bend …show more content…

The empowerment of the Holy Spirit in order to do the work of the ministry is commanded by Jesus in Luke 24:49. Certainly Jesus recognized the importance of the believer’s work to be sustained by the power of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, a Christian is powerless without the infilling work of the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised the apostles, “When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power” (Acts 1:8, NLT). Thus, the power of the Holy Spirit will enable a Christian for ministry. God has called me to be a pastor of a local church. Pastoral ministry is one of the five-fold ministries found in Ephesians 4:11. The Greek word for pastor is Poimen. It essentially means shepherd or overseer. Although a pastor is a shepherd, he is an under shepherd to the Good Shepherd. The Apostle Peter reminds elders, “When the head Shepherd comes, your reward will be a never-ending share in his glory and honor” (I Peter 5:4, NLT). The pastor must always remember the flock he cares for belongs to Jesus, the Good Shepherd. This understanding motivates the pastor to point the people to Jesus Christ.
The Objective of Pastoral …show more content…

The Apostle Paul gives the reason for pastoral ministry in Ephesians 4:12-16. The first reason is the Apostle Paul gives is “to equip God’s people to do his work” (v. 12a, NLT). The pastor is to furnish Christians with the means to serve Christ and his Church. By equipping believers and through pastoral care, the pastor “builds up the body of Christ” (v. 12b, NLT). In addition, pastoral ministry is to provide a solid foundation and sound doctrine (vv. 13,14). Consequently, pastoral ministry is to provide spiritual maturity among God’s people (vv. 15,16). Thus, pastoral ministry is to arm God’s people for personal service to God with the sound doctrine, which leads to spiritual

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