Marching Band Scholarship Essay

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Growing up in the suburbs of a small township in Morris County, I never really felt like I stood out among my peers. I normally would just blend in, always just a face in the crowd. And for about half of my childhood that was the story. I attempted to go out for the town’s recreational peewee soccer team as a five year old, because my mother believed that I was some super soccer star in the making. And being the incredibly unathletic, roly poly, chicken nugget shaped, child I was, I ended up getting nailed flat in the forehead with the soccer ball and almost had a concussion. And from that moment in my life, I was firm in my belief that sports would not be my forte. However, when I about six I could not pronounce music, so I instead said “moogoo”, and …show more content…

Where I learned how to become a leader through the leadership ensemble within the marching band. Where in my senior and fourth year of marching competitively, I became the Drum Major, and earned the Best Drum Major Award at the Roxbury Marching Band Classic Competition. From marching band I progressed into jazz music, where I became the lead alto saxophonist in the top jazz band at my school during my junior and senior year. I was also one of three saxophonists in the top band at my school. I picked up the clarinet, the flute, and the soprano saxophone on my way through high school, and have played all three as well in my performing ensembles. I played in the pit orchestra of the theater production of “All Shook Up”, and was the principal saxophonist at my high school. Too be short, I am very involved in all things music in the past and currently. Band and music have been a place for me to rely on, something that brings me joy when sad. Allows me to express myself through sounds and through instruments. It is truly a talent and a hobby that I hope to continue through college and through life because of the joy it brought me and creative outlet it was throughout my

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