How To Write A Musical Autobiography

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Music has always been one of things I excelled in. In elementary school it was required to be in music but second in 5th grade you have the option to be in band. I was in band for 6 years before I stopped and I went to 5 honor bands. I played tenor saxophone and was 2nd chair all six years. Jazz band was something we had in middle school and high school. We had 2 jazz bands in middle school. Jazz one was for 8th graders and jazz two was 7th grade. I played in both. My first year I played tenor 1 and 2 and the second year I played baritone saxophone. My 9th grade year I played only tenor one. We didn’t have to audition but the students who plays that instrument normally would have first say in who gets 1st, 2nd and sometimes 3rd part. That …show more content…

The begging of middle school our choir consisted of Sopranos, Altos. This was mainly due to the fact that we didn’t hit puberty yet. That year I found my niche. This was exciting for me because I wasn’t like my brothers who are athletic. My 7th and 8th grade year were the years I made a difference. To add on to the Sopranos and Altos the guys were now baritones and that was a big deal. During my 7th grade year we sang Phantom of The Opera. My friend Jon and I sang a duet and received a standing ovation. The following year was just as good due to the fact we sang Broadway medley. I sang Part in the South Pacific song aint nothing like a dame. Later in that piece I had a whistling solo for the king and I. this was so cool to do because people thought I was going to sing and I shocked the by whistling. High school was a big change because we now had 4 parts: Soprano, Alto, Bass, and Tenor. Our choir consisted of 50-60 students and 40 of them were girls. I was very intimidated by this but didn’t let this stop me. I sang tenor and our section was about five people but we were the strongest section. We hosted State Large group which is where judges rate your choir you can receive division 1, 2,3,4,5. One would be the best that you could receive. We also had honor choirs you could go to. I went to one in Waverly, Iowa at Wartburg College called the Meistersingers Honor choir. While I was there I sang tenor 2. This Honor choir was about 600 high school students plus the Wartburg choir. This particular honor choir was special because we sang with Simone Estes, the famous opera

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