Magdalen's Career Narrative: Video Analysis

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Magdalen’s Career Narrative Owusu, C. (2014, November 25). Never get bad grades in an african home. Retrieved from I chose this video because it portrays many of the messages and advice that I heard from my parents and loved ones while growing up. This messages and advice were what influenced my decision to choose school counseling. There are five messages from this video that I want to discuss and further explain to describe how my parents and loved one influenced my decision to become a school counselor. First, the video highlighted the expectation from African parents that you will spend all your time dedicated to your education. This expectation was set at a very early age for me, I started school when I was six months old. From that age till today, that expectation still continues to exist. Growing up with …show more content…

As I explained above, I have spent all my life in school and I value education because of the messages that I received while growing up. If it was possible to spend my whole life going to school I would. When I realized that I had a passion for education, I started to consider the possible career choices and found school counseling to align with my goals. I noticed that I enjoyed working with youth but I didn’t really have the passion to teach in front of a classroom all day. As I began to look into how I could work with youths in an educational setting, I learned that school counselors have a huge impact on the educational success of a student. I saw how much impact outside factors contributed to a child desire to learn and excel in school. Therefore, I wanted to work closely with children to help them deal with the factors that stand in their way of them being able to truly learn and do well in school. If I can help a student remove barriers that stands in their way, then I will be able to give that child an opportunity to enjoy school and eventually love it as much as I

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