Loretta Lee Quotes

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People always say never judged a person by their cover, yet some of us still do it without even trying sometimes. I have done this on multiple occasions without really trying to judge a person. I once had an experience where I was trying out for a new club team and I saw this girl who looked really mean and scary because of the expression on her face. I always thought if I ever talk to her she would be mean, but one practice we started to talk and she wasn’t at all the person I thought she ways. It turns out that she is a nice person who just takes soccer very seriously. This just shows that we can have a certain opinion on someone by their looks, but they may be completely opposite from the way they appear.There’s this book call “Freak the Mighty” which has a good way of showing the theme of not judging a person …show more content…

She’s wearing this ratty old bathrobe and she’s smoking this cigarette and squinting at us making a face.” If we were to judge solely on her appearance, we might assume that she was very poor. In fact, when we first see her, “ She’s wearing this ratty old bathrobe.” This shows that she is indeed poor because if she had money she would be able to purchase herself another bathrobe instead of using a ratty old one. Loretta first actions were, “ Iggy,” she says out o the side of her mouth,” come here and tell me is the circus in town or what?” This shows that Loretta could be mean or maybe rude in the beginning. However, later we see her, “It ain’t right ,” she whispers.” Keeping your own kd tied up, it ain’t right.He ain’t the man I thought I remembered, that’s for sure. Loretta goes, “ The plan is, Iggy keeps him busy while I get you Loose, now isn’t that a good plan?” This refutes our initial judgement because Loretta was helping Max get out of tied up ropes around him. She was willing to save hima at the risk of being

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