Lifelong Learning Essay

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Cheyenne Romine
Dr. Dickson
ENGL 1010 – A05
November 12, 2017
Evaluation Compare/Contrast Essay
Enhancement Through Lifelong Learning Have you ever thought to yourself, “I need a way to enhance my learning and achieve success?” What better way to do so with changing your learning process. There are many learning processes people go by, but may I just say, lifelong learning is a head in the right direction. Lifelong learning can be defined as “the combination of processes throughout a lifetime whereby the whole person experiences social situations, the perceived content of which is then transformed cognitively, emotively, and practically… resulting in a continually changing person” (Aberton 1). Intelligence and education are essential to achieve
Peter C. Brown states “success shows how struggling with a problem makes for strong learning, and how a sustained commitment to advancing in a particular field… through trial-and-error leads to complex mastery and greater knowledge of interrelationships of things” (Brown 95). This allows a student to become more familiar towards new things and further grow their knowledge. One must make aware of their strengths and weaknesses to achieve problem-solving skills, such as someone completing a task that is deviant with their knowledge. Lifelong learners process problem-solving skills through acknowledging their strengths and weaknesses, leading to “complex mastery” and “greater knowledge” (Brown
In the article Making Sense of Lifelong Learning, Norman Evans states, “Lifelong learning may be described as an elaborate game of catch-up for policies and institutions, and to refocus on individuals” (Evans 1). Lifelong learning is acknowledged for mainly personal or professional reasons and can also enhances self-sustainment, which so happens to be a crucial skill when contributing to employment and the economy. Commitment to lifelong learning can enhance people’s lives and create the skills that our economy and employers need. Lifelong learners tend to be goal-oriented and some goals require students to perform a difficult skill set to retain the learning they need. One of the skills may be on-the-job training in which learning is gained for those students to progress through their career. For example, one must meet all educational criteria to become a high-school teacher. The article Make It Stick: Science of Successful Learning, Peter C. Brown advises, “Build mastery when you use testing as a tool to identify and bring up your areas of weakness” (Brown 5). Differentiating your weaknesses and strengths will improve your economic and employment needs. A student who evaluates life-impacted goals applies full effort on receiving education; however, a student who does not evaluate life-impacted goals may show little to no effort on gaining education. The self-regulated

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