Learning And Entwistle Learning: Approaches To Learning

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According to the authors (Entwistle & Ramsden, 1983), differences between approaches to learning concern the differences that what learners are focusing on, what they are trying to achieve and how they are going about it. In the deep approach, students intend to extract meaning and, thus, engage in an active process of learning that involves relating ideas and searching for patterns and principles (Entwistle, 2000). Furthermore, the deep approach is argued to promote understanding and long-term retention of ideas that could result in long-term and meaningful outcomes of higher education (Gibbs, Margon & Taylor, 1982; Marton et al., 1997; Marton et. al., 1993; Purdie & Hattie, 2002). On the other hand, in the surface approach, the students …show more content…

The relevance to the dimension of quality is that it is possible to identify the features of courses that foster a surface or deep approach (Entwistle, 2000). In addition, learning is argued as an activity that combines the aspects of ‘what’ and ‘how’ and, most importantly, how the two aspects are integrated during the learning process. The ‘what’ aspect concerns the activity of learning, and the ‘how’ aspect concerns the structure of a learning task (how learning is done). How the two aspects are merged inform whether students employ a deep approach or a surface approach to learning (Ramsden, 2003). Thus, if learning is focused on the content, e.g. when a text in itself is the object of learning, and the learning task is approached by organizing it into smaller separate parts, a surface approach to learning is adopted. By contrast, if learning is focused on the content, extraction of meaning is the object of learning, and the learning task is approached or managed as a whole, a deep approach to learning is …show more content…

Students increasingly demand a type of education that allows them to update their knowledge when necessary and to continue to do so throughout their working lives (McIntosh, & Varoglu, 2005; Tomlinson, 2007). The debates on lifelong learning and learning skills continue to emphasize independent and self-directed learning as a central need (Strivens & Grant, 2000). The ability to engage in critical self-assessment is viewed as a meta-skill that would aid students in managing their general life both during and after university (Knight & Yorke, 2002). Based on this view, suggestions are raised to educational institutions concerning learning cultures that help students know what they are learning and why and how to develop the claims to achievement that make them more successful. Teachers are expected to design promising learning environments and help students discover what they afford, what might be learned, how and why (Knight & Yorke, 2003). According to the authors (Strivens and Grant, 2000), if learners have an accurate awareness of their levels of achievement in skills, in conjunction with a desirable skill profile for a job or a range of jobs, they will be able to recognize when and where they need to improve their level of skill. It has also been

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