Self Development Essay

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Conclusions This research study explored the attitudes and self-development, including the self-esteem and self-identity in nine adolescent augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) users. The participants discussed different variables which would influence their self-esteem, attitudes and self-development. The common variables among the study’s participants included: social and emotional support, victimization and bullying, positive peer-relationships, type of AAC device used, listener reactions and responses, barriers to participation, and attitudinal and physical barriers. These variables, the clinical implications, study limitations, and suggestions for future research will be discussed in the sections that follow. Social and emotional support For many (89%) of the study’s participants, the social and emotional support received from their non-disabled peers significantly influenced their self-development and overall self-esteem. Those who felt supported by their peers tended to have positive self-image and higher levels of self-esteem. This finding supports the theory that, during adolescence, the development one’s self-identity and self-esteem, is greatly influenced by their peer-relationships. Victimization and bullying The most striking finding was that victimization and bullying were associated with low self-esteem and poor self-image. The longer the victimization and bullying continued, the less popular the student was among their peers and the lower their self-esteem and feeling(s) of self-worth. This was evidenced by their use of negative personality adjectives (e.g., bad, stupid, shameful, weak, etc.) to describe themselves. The finding of a links between students with disabilities, victimizati... ... middle of paper ... ...research on this topic is warranted. Specifically, further research is warranted with a larger sample size to determine whether the study’s findings are accurate and applicable to the general population of adolescent AAC users. Additionally, this study included participants with diagnoses of CP, dysarthria, and VAoS; however, persons with other diagnoses who may require an AAC system were not considered. Therefore, further research is warranted to explore the self-development of adolescents with varying diagnoses. Further research is also warranted to determine whether self-development varies with the type of AAC system utilized (e.g., low- versus high-technology). Finally, the second research question regarding variations in self-development by severity of disorder has not been answered. Thus, further research is warranted to answer that research question.

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