Environment At Lenox

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The environment at Lenox is not one that promotes technology – thereby affecting IT system performance. All three top executives are negligent. Sullivan herself fails to realize the magnitude of her role. She fails to set up a multi-methodological approach to ensure that the information competencies are all tightly identified, described, and then looked at in an organizational context by the management team. A more organized method may have benefitted the CEO with realizing the relationship between IT and business competencies. The CIO fails to successfully align (or maintain mutual alignment between) herself with (and) department heads that need to be involved at various levels, causing delays in acquiring necessary data to input and test …show more content…

He has excessive expectations of Sullivan. If computers have always been a weakness, then what is the company’s attitude toward technology? The CEO errs in diagnosing the problem as solely IT related, instead of looking to the company’s business leaders too. An IT system alone is not significant unless it becomes more broadly applicable - an integral part of an overall work system of selling the product or service using business competencies. The problem at Lenox is beyond the scope of IT and overlaps into other departments. Only then can a new IT system “deliver” and achieve maximum impact for the …show more content…

Request a meeting with the management team, put together a presentation outlining a strategy going forward, defining IT responsibility and contribution, and developing information competencies and their elements. This information is then distributed throughout the company. Reevaluate organization structure by requesting to report directly to the CEO for strategic guidance, and together, monitor the new system and make changes accordingly.

Tomorrow: Work with top executives to create a vision that everyone fully understands, and help accelerate the delivery of the systems that affect earnings and put Lenox ahead of the competition. Improve communication - Sullivan needs to meet and ally herself with all departments that need to be involved, such as field operations, sales and marketing, and distinctly point out that the responsibilities for obtaining value from IT investments are well beyond the IT department. For a company to have these capabilities, it is critical to involve a coordination and combination from multiple departments, as well as the management team. She needs the support of those who have the influence, resources, and knowledge to make sure the new distribution system is effective. Schedule regular leadership meetings to facilitate

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