Kids Park Observation

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The system I chose to analyze was kids park. I chose this system based on a variety of different reasons. Firstly, on my experience from visiting majority of the parks in my neighbourhood, I’ve came noticed that a handful of parents doesn't have the time to take their kids to the park anymore. Whatever the reason maybe; work, personal time off, or too busy, it is something I've been noticing progressively. It is usually the nannies who are left with that responsibility or older siblings. Secondly I chose this particular system because I find it interesting how some parents are raising the children and when they’re out in public, for instance, a playground, I get to see how they deal with their kids in certain situation and if it affects what …show more content…

Most of the conversations that I heard was work related and not having enough time to do somethings. Also while I was there, most of the questions I was asking myself was, “where are they other parents?” are they too busy working, can’t afford to spend time with their children so they leave it up to the babysitter or the nanny. What I noticed was that the majority of the kids were exceptionally happy, the sound of laughter and enthusiasm was starting to give me a headache. Then of course we have those childrens who are crying a throwing tantrums because they really want to go on the swing but it is not their turn yet or there aren't any available swings. It is also interesting to see how the parent handles this kind of situations. At one point a little boy starting crying and yelling at his mom to let him get on a swing, There wasn’t any available swings left so his told him that he had to wait, and he refused and started yelling even louder to get on the swing. What amazed me was what the mom did, She got up and went over to the swing and ask a little girl if his son could get a turn so he would stop crying. In my opinion, i didn’t think that was the right thing to do and it doesn’t teaches the kid anything. If that the

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