Public Administration

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To research the issues within the Department of Children and Family, I would set up a survey online addressing how satisfied the citizens of the city are. I would use mostly open-ended questions such as (What do you suggest that the department does in order to better service the community). Open-ended questions allow participants to express their true feelings and for researchers to gather the most accurate information. It also eliminates the amount of errors usually associated with research. If respondents are asked to write their response, they are, in a way forced to read the question and respond truthfully as opposed to just choosing one of the answers in a closed-ended question. I intend to analyze these answers qualitatively to discover whether or not employees performance are directly related to the amount of work they have to do or they are simply not motivated. If motivation is an issue, I will explore ways to motivate them and encourage high performance.
Increasing Morale-Reducing high Turnover

Productivity and Performance
People are the most valuable asset of any organization; therefore it should be a priority to any employer to seek ways to improve employee commitment, motivation and productivity. Surely, most organizations understand that those criteria must be met if they are to achieve the highest level of productivity and ensure the success of the organization, but it is evident that organizations everywhere are struggling to meet service demands and production knowing that these outcomes are directly related to the on the commitment, ability and skill of a disengaged workforce. Frederick Herzberg generated a two-factor theory regarding job satisfaction: Hygiene and motivational. Those factors are placed to avoid...

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...ion “Who governs?” leads quite naturally to two others: “Can one steer contemporary polities?” and “How can such steering be conciliated with the constraints of democracy?” Only in-depth research into the workings of contemporary public administrations can provide solid answers to these questions. Throughout the rest of this encyclopedia, definitions and interpretations of how governance fits, or fails to fit, with public administration provide valuable signposts with which to encourage social scientists to aim their empirical investigations in this direction.
The citizens of Gilleville take priority and their concerns should be addressed first and foremost. They are entitled to public transportation and the public administrators should work to resolve their issues as fast as possible and in a manner to cause as little impact as possible to the lives of the public.

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