Psychological Research In Baltimore City

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Psychological research is research that a psychologist conducts to study the experiences and behaviors of certain individuals or groups. Psychological research plays a big role in the society. Psychological research helps to explain the behavior and mental process in individuals. Without psychological research, we would be unable to conduct the research to explain the behavior using theories. Psychological research plays a major part in society because it helps the psychology community to better understand the behavior and mental capabilities of society. There are a lot of psychology research method that can be used to do research. All of the research methods have plenty of advantages and disadvantages. My opinion of psychology research is …show more content…

I am conducting this study because I believe in Baltimore City there are a lot of people who are living in poverty and who also are committing crime because of their living situation. Baltimore crime and death rates has been going up in the last couple of years. In my opinion I think the death rate and crime rate is going up because people living in poverty. When a person lives in poverty means they are considered poor. If a person cannot afford certain things, they will steal or kill for it. The crime rate and death rate plays a big part in poverty because people will either steal what they want or even kill for it. Baltimore is not an equality place. When I say equality, meaning everyone are not treated the same or have the same opportunities as others. The death rate in Baltimore City is very high especially over West Baltimore. I have found two articles explain how poverty affects the human behavior. One article explains that poverty affects human behavior and brain. Another article explains how psychology strategies can help overcome poverty. As the years past there have been studies that show west Baltimore has the most crime and people who are without a home. I believe the study I am conducting is very important. Once I have completed the study and bring the problem to everyone attention, we then can find a way to fix the problem. My research will …show more content…

Hypothesis H0: There is no significant relationship between criminal activity and poverty among individuals in West Baltimore. Hypothesis H1: There is a relationship between criminal activity and poverty among the individuals in West Baltimore. The study adopted correlational research method to aid collection of data to obtain reasonable data to investigate how and why poverty leads to criminal activity. I will conduct the research in west Baltimore area. I will be using high school students and college students around the area. I will be using a survey online and targeting high school and college students who grew up or currently live in west Baltimore. In order to take this survey online the student must be over the age of eighteen. I will get the survey out by using social media. My goal is to get a sample of a certain amount of adults both male and female. First, I will conduct the search by finding the schools that are located in west Baltimore. Since this survey will be conducted online, I will ask the student for their birth date and choose from a list what school they attend. The best question is how I will get the survey to the student. In order to get the survey to the students, I will use the school social media, every school has a social media page run by students itself. Since the instrument I will be using is going to be a survey, I will be asking students to answer certain questions. The

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