Kenyon Lady Strengths

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READY FOR MY CLOSE UP! Language, SAT vocabulary, even emojis and the mighty meme fail to adequately convey my true heart’s most singular desire - becoming a Kenyon Lady; however, in combination with alluring alliteration, punctilious punctuation, hashtag hopes and ampers@ts, I may still be able to successfully carry the day, although it will certainly require more than 140 characters, however hopefully little more than the following 500 words! So in anticipation of that ever ubiquitous first interview question, let me tell you a little bit about myself. Greatest Strength: my diving skills! Parenthetically think (bigger, stronger, faster, smarter) younger sister and LEGACY of the now legendary, former Kenyon diving standout - Maria Zarka ‘16. Greatest Weakness: specifically, the Quantitative Reasoning section on all standardized tests and in general, my frequent (and engaging) overuse of dots, dashes, parentheses, and semicolons, in the essay portion of that same standardized exam. These predispositions run deep and not so silently in my immediate Family’s DNA; but, I freely and with a clear conscience admit now to “borrowing” this truthful bit of recycled word play, from my sister Maria’s venerable college Common Application Essay! …show more content…

This irregular cross produced (modestly) two offspring of unusual beauty, strength, intelligence, and hybrid vigor, namely: my sister Maria and me, Athena Kaimana

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