Reflection Of Leadership: Theory, And Trait Approach

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After understanding the theory behind both the trait and skill approach, I was eager to evaluate and reflect on my own leadership traits. It was interesting to see how the trait approach allowed me to better understand whether or not I have certain traits considered to be important for leadership, while skills approach allowed me to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses in the technical, human and conceptual skills. From completing the Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LTQ) and the Skills Inventory, I was able to reflect more on how I behave towards others in a leadership context, as well as the skills that I currently possess. As a naturally extroverted person, I have been taking on leadership roles from a young age. The findings from these two …show more content…

Other strengths include being self-confident, conscientious, diligent and determined. It was interesting to see my lower scores as well; the lowest average score was sensitivity (3.2), followed closely by self-assuredness and perception and empathy. Although I consider myself sensitive, I believe the sense of sensitivity does not apply as often towards others I interact with. For example, I often speak my mind and voice my opinion with little thought of the consequence or impact it might have on those around me. Thus, sensitivity is not one of my existing strengths, but rather an opportunity for growth. I also found it interesting to note how I scored significantly lower in the human skill, and higher in technical, which I did not expect. This score likely correlates with my score form the LTQ, which identified room for improvement in relating with …show more content…

In order to demonstrate sensitivity, I need to pause and reflect on what I want to say prior to speaking. Furthermore, my moderate human skill level demonstrates a need for greater improvement in the ability to be sensitive to the needs and motivations of others. One of my leadership experiences includes facilitating a casual, weekly discussion with international students about cultural themes as a Peer Helper in the Office of Intercultural Affairs. Since some students are shy or more reserved, I often need to guide the conversation. However, I need to be wary of my overenthusiastic and outgoing personality dominating the conversation and understand that others need time and space to voice their

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