Utilising Personal Strengths for Academic Success

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Reaching any success will not be easy to achieve. Academic success, in that matter, to me, is meeting or exceeding the University's expectations, learning to the best ability, standing out, and building knowledge towards ones own vocational calling and degree. Personal strengths reflect and devote those aspirations; contributing to finding and accomplishing life goals and academic success. After finalizing the Gallup “StrengthsFinder” valuation, my top five strengths were determined to be competition, adaptability, harmony, ideation, and futuristic, in that order. As an Internation Business Major, yet to find my vocational calling; my goal is to habit those strengths, set academic ambitions, be extrusive, and have a willingness to learn new things of my desired profession while seeking for my calling in life. competition and adaptability are important key factors of thriving successfully in the business field, luckily those are my top two strengths. According to the Gallup Strengthfinder, …show more content…

I don't tolerate conflicts, I am the one friend that perpetually tries to bring everyone in a dispute, into a consensus.As harmony as one of my strengths, it sure does benefit me to be distinct, help others, and be a team leader. Coinciding with Adaptability, Futuristic; being “ fascinated by the future...anticipate and imagine in detail what tomorrow could or should be...usually see the future positively’” assist me having the ability to adapt to solve unexpected complications, and choose what is best for the long run.I plan on having goals that will benefit me in the future, I don't worry about the present too much but that where my ability to adapt handles it, does not mean I overlook them; I try to choose the best outcome along with which designates me to have a better

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